Guidon of Battery B, 129th Field Artillery
Pronounced "guide on," the guidon represents unity. In military service the mission always comes first. To accomplish a mission there must be a unit. The oneness, or unity, that is required to meet an objective is what creates the strength to beat a challenge. The banner this service is conducted under is the guidon. At Guidon Strength we chose to rally in unity to change the lives of young people across the U.S.
We joined for many reasons. Whatever the cause we have a trait that drives us to sacrifice for others. At the end of the day, our armed forces are there to help. Whether helping those in our unit or the civilians we protect our reason for being there is the same. Guidon Strength provides at opportunity to serve outside of the uniform at home.
“A boy comes to me with a spark of interest, I feed that spark and in becomes a flame, I feed the flame and it becomes a fire, I fed the fire and it becomes a roaring blaze”
It starts with me. Seriously. It does not start with you or that group. It starts with me. When we truly sacrifice great things happen. Guidon Strength recognizes this and we have decided to take action. To make an impact on lives who need connection we must sacrifice. Our stories and maturity as Veterans should go on to accomplish great things off the battlefield like improving the lives of U.S. teens with fitness and mentoring. By challenging ourselves to do more we aspire to truly change the world. Read more about our thoughts on doing more on our blog.
Paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division